Practice-Bridge Big Bundle
The Practice-Bridge Big Bundle gives short sessions, classes, practice tools, and personalized one on one support to help you access the heart of your practice. Flexible Pricing: $165/month suggested; minimum $135/month.
How to access your resources
Read This!
Startup Questionnaire
First Practice Plan
New Survey
Most Recent Asana, Joint Movement & Bodywork
Most Recent Short Restoratives, Breath & Yoga Nidra
Most Recent Full-Length Classes
Guidelines: Introduction & Basic Practices
Guidelines: On Soreness, Practice Volume & Intensity
Guidelines: How Much to Exert
Most Recent Supple Strength Sessions
Breath Awareness Practices
Pausing Practices
Alternate Nostril Practices
Open-Mouth Exhalation Practices
Meditation, General
Meditation with Awareness of Breath & Other Anchors
Meditation with Willie