Get the support that helps you support yourself and others!

Live course runs March 1-20: See schedule below.

How's your attention doing these days?

There's so much in life right now that pulls at attention:

Screens, platforms, and AI bots...

Brutal wars, catastrophic fires, and broken politics...

Your attention is a precious and finite resource that's being assailed from all sides; it's more and more difficult to avoid being pushed off center by the unceasing stream of it all.

It takes energy to chart a different course; just going along or disengaging is tempting because doing so can feel like less of a bother.

But there should be a way out of the mud that's not so burdensome, that's fueled by an inner curiosity, that's free of the unsatisfying options served up by the algorithm.

A yoga teacher or wellness influencer might jump in here and give their pitch for some combination of:

  • strength development
  • movement
  • mindfulness
  • breath practice 

All good stuff, certainly.

One problem, though, is that with the current state of things, maintaining consistency is not easy.

Also, before even considering yoga poses, breathing patterns, or meditation techniques as a solution, there are some simpler ingredients to draw upon for building resilience and centeredness.

This is what we'll investigate in the Turbulence Toolkit: less-recognized actions and habits—little practices underlying what we do—that have a big effect on how we respond to our circumstances.

It's a focused program that helps you build capacity to consistently center yourself through challenging circumstances.

It's a 3-week mini-immersion that gives you a clear system and real insight without burdening your time.


The Turbulence Toolkit investigates perspectives and strategies that: 

  • will help you be more consistent with the things that nourish you.
  • will give you more capacity to meet what's challenging.

The course material consists of concise, daily readings to jump-start inspiration and maintain the thread of the learning process, coupled with live sessions.

Live Session Schedule:

  • Sessions are 1/2 hour and are recorded
  • Saturday, March 1 from 4:00-4:30 PM
  • Tuesday & Thursday evenings from 7:00-7:30 PM, March 4-March 20

Get a focused, adaptable system that works.

Get substance and support without draining your time and resources.

On top of that, it'll be fun!

The material you'll explore in the Turbulence Toolkit draws on insights and lessons that I've absorbed over more than 25 years of teaching and practice. 

The readings and lessons are formulated to be both accessible and substantial; the course is built to be a direct and practical support for you!

The Turbulence Toolkit offers an opportunity to learn and apply simple, powerful practices that can make a big and positive difference for the everyday workings of your life.

I look forward to working with you as we build out the toolkit!

What Folks are Saying

I am a yoga practitioner and teacher. For the past 8 years I have been practicing yoga with Eric at Solaluna. The connection began when, on frequent visits to Oberlin to be with family, I went to Solaluna to keep up my ongoing yoga practice. Now I am a resident of Oberlin and appreciate the opportunity to frequently attend live classes in the studio and do early morning strength sessions online. In all these circumstances, Eric's thorough understanding of human anatomy, specific instructions, thoughtful asana, and mindful sequencing make for wonderful experiences that condition my body and calm my mind.

-Carol S

 Eric Stewart is an excellent yoga teacher, but more importantly, he is caring, kind and patient with all levels of students.  His brilliance lies in his curiosity, intuition, thoughtfulness and ability to communicate concepts in a multitude of ways.  His scope of knowledge includes movement and yoga combined with a high level of comprehension around associated topics that contribute to one’s well-being.  He definitely has an integrated approach.

-Carla Schneider

After forty-five years in nursing, I accepted my neck and shoulder pain as a chronic
consequence of my career choice. Arnica cream and heat application were my management strategies. One year ago, I started attending classes led by Eric at Solaluna. I haven’t applied arnica cream or heat in five months. My posture is improving, and my upper body strength is greater. I am so appreciative of Eric’s knowledge and teaching skills.

-Kathy Kerber


  • Is this course appropriate for beginners?

    Yes. You do not need to have prior experience with yoga for this to be worthwhile. We'll be working with underlying facets of practice that can help to clarify the more overt activities such as poses, breathing, and meditation—the things that people normally think of as "doing yoga". You can think of the content in the Toolkit as the building blocks necessary to consistently nourish yourself. What we work with can actually help your entry into practice as a beginner.

  • Is this course worthwhile for advanced students?

    The material in the course is valuable for anyone who is feeling out of balance or off-kilter. If you are are a more experienced practitioner and are feeling like you could use some new perspective and could use a chance to reset and refocus, this course could very well be for you. If you feel that your own practice is fulfilling your needs and you're good, it may not be what you are looking for.

  • Is this course useful for folks who don't do yoga?

    It is. It is useful for people who do any sort of practice or discipline, whether that's tai chi, weightlifting, chess, swimming, dance, or music. The course principles may be applied to anything that involves doing something with consistency. But it's also useful even if you don't have a practice or activity that you regularly do, because it's about living in the world and relating to what arises in the world; that's something we all deal with.