Practice-Bridge Basic Bundle
BundleThe Basic Bundle provides economical access to the Practice-Bridge system. Short sessions, classes, readings & more provide structure & playful exploration in a concise, impactful bundle. Flexible Pricing: $30/month suggested; $20 minimum.
$30 / month
Introduction to Practice-Bridge
CourseA free introduction to the program for people who want to do yoga but struggle with consistency. Practice-Bridge builds skills, inspires curiosity, and offers deep nourishment along with stimulating challenges. Find out if Practice-Bridge is for you!
Essentials of Simple Yoga: Meditation
CourseMeditation Essentials draws on approaches to meditation found in yoga and Buddhism and integrates them in a framework that allows meditation to be an accessible, resourceful practice, especially when done in conjunction with Asana and Breath.
Essentials of Simple Yoga: Breath
CourseBreath Essentials explores breathing in depth using a balance of open exploration and focused structure. Expand possibilities for how breath can support you in yoga and life. Flexible tuition with our pay-what-works system.
Essentials of Simple Yoga: Asana
CourseEssentials of Simple Yoga: Asana
Essentials of Simple Yoga Introduction
CourseEssentials of Simple Yoga